In touch with the world ... at home on the High Plains
HPPR Radio Readers Book Club

Who Decides Your Value

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Moscow’s Hotel Metropol provided the final home for Towle’s “gentleman”
Andrey Korzun, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

The book begins on June 21, 1922. The Russian people are in the midst of the most bloodiest take over of their government and social structure in their nations history.

Count Alexander Ilyich Rostov is being interviewed by the new ruling Russian Communist Peoples, Commissariat for Internal Affairs. Count Rostov has been an aristocrat his whole life. He was raised to be thoughtful, intelligent, and guided by loyalty to the Russian people.

Prior to the revolution, in 2013 he wrote a poem entitled, “Where Is It Now?” It challenges the changes and the many situations the people were beginning to see in Russia. The poem was loved by the people.

The Commissariat asks him where and why he wrote the poem. They asked him if the poem is a call to action. The Count answers with sarcasm and wit, so much so, the audience laugh. The Count finished the question with another question, Is not all poetry a call to action?

The Count is anything but helpful, but not hostile. Mostly he makes a mockery of the interrogators. This continues until the most senior officer stops the discussion. After a recess he informs the Count that he will be remanded back to the hotel Metropol in the middle of Theatre Square, which is down the from Red Square and the Kremlin.

The Count has been living there for almost four full years. The official tells him that he will remain at the Metropol the rest of his life. The day he leaves its safety, he will be shot dead.

The Count arrives and finds his elegantly clad room has been opened and some of his furniture moved to an attic room. He goes through and selects items to be kept that were his grandmother and other precious people in his life.

He arrives to the room and finds the room extremely small, but with very small window overlooking his new world! At this time, he’s alone except for the hotel staff that know him.

What you need to know about this real-life situation, not fiction, is that the Count takes all his emotional strength, will, and determination to accept his situation with grace. Weaker people would go stir crazy due to their inability to leave the building or go and visit family or friends.

In his obscurity, he decides to find ways to live and survive in the midst of little purpose.

The Count is now put to the test and develops his own greatness, just like those “great family leaders” who he knew about, in his previous carefree life! Over years, we find that his influence and impact into individual lives increases.

We all should ask ourselves who makes the decision of what your value is.

Do we allow governments and the reigning culture to destroy our lives with their demoralizing opinions, statements, and actions against us?

Do we hold to a strength of character that guides us into acting with the same wise and compelling conduct that change others, one action at a time!

The Gentleman of Moscow will highlight the importance of selfless giving, in lack. You will be surprised by the building of loving relationships with others. Trust is built amongst many, but it is built through perseverance and diplomacy.

Spring Read 2023: In Touch with the World2023 Spring ReadHPPR Radio Readers Book Club
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