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In touch with the world ... at home on the High Plains
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High Plains regional news
Regional Features
  • Tune in to Classical Music Amarillo this week to revisit the Harrington String Quartet’s program from last fall, a concert they entitled Ravishing!
  • Hello, everyone! From Pasadena, California, this is Jill Hunting for the HPPR Radio Readers Book Club 2024 Summer Read.I’m excited to tell you about a book I read recently, A Girl Returned, translated into English, from the Italian by Donatella Di Pietrantonio.
  • One thing most gardeners forget to consider from time to time when working on their garden...patience isn't just a virtue, it's what you'll need to more fully enjoy the growing process, and the time you wait before you can enjoy your harvest. This week, we'll talk about why it's important to be patient, and the value of being patient!
  • Luke visits with his friend Paul Moore www.vineyardmax.net about a fishing/camping trip on the Brazos River last weekend with river guide Shane Davies www.riverrunguideservice.com. Paul and his wife Angela enjoyed two nights camping on the river and three days of great fishing. Click to learn more about a fun summer destination.
NPR Top Stories
At a one-day workshop run by the Care School for Men in Bogotá, Colombia, male medical students at Sanitas University learn how to cradle a baby. This class of participants consists of medical students, but the usual enrollees are dads of all types.
Ben de la Cruz/NPR
An innovative program in Colombia gives men a chance to master the skills needed to be a hands-on dad — and become closer to their kids along the way.