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First Time Calling for Luke and Larry

Sometimes when Larry and I get together, our conversations head toward the past... and stories of our "firsts."  Larry's asking me about the first time I went out calling.  Here's my story:

Well, I remember it like it was yesterday.  I was up in Jack County in the late 60's.  I had a buddy, Johnny White, who had a Weem's All Call.  Neither one of us knew what we were doing.  We drove Johnny's pickup out to the ranch, and we parked on a hill, on this rugged piece of ground.  It was a cold, starry winter night after supper.  We were kinda relaxing.  We knew we had to have a red light, but that's about all we knew.  So, Johnny starts blowing his injured jack rabbit call, and after about five minutes, this thing came sneaking up on us.  We thought it was a it was a fox.  It turned out it was a bobcat.   That was my first time being around anyone doing any calling.

Larry, you take a turn writing here.  Tell about your first experience. 

Luke, it was sorta similar to yours.  I grew up along the coast of Texas, in the gravel hills, out in the country.  I finally saved up enough money working cattle and hauling hay for my dad, uncles, neighbors, and I sent off for this little mouth bone call.  I read all I could about calling coyotes.  Back then we called them wolves, ya know?  Well, it arrived, and that evening I grabbed my dad's 94 30-30.  I put seven rounds in the son-of-a-gun, went across the fence, sat down, and started calling.  No sooner had I started, than this wolf came charging in.  I shot all seven rounds at that thing... never hit him once.  I realized at that moment that that I was out of ammunition.  I thought, "Oh my god, that thing is still out here!"  I grabbed my hunting knife in one hand, the 30-30 in the other, and backed myself right out of there straight to the house.  I could talk forever about the nuts and bolts of varmint hunting, but the big thing is the experience.  That's what gives the rich memories that are the highlights in my life.   

Larry's right folks- it's getting outdoors, and the adventure it offers that keep me going back.  Until next week, I'm kicking the campfire.  Larry and I are going out to make a few more memories.

Support for High Plains Outdoors comes from the Dallas Safari Club and Brute Outdoors.  Since 1972, Dallas Safari Club has been the gathering point for hunters, conservationists, and wildlife enthusiasts.  More information online at: biggame.org.   Support also comes from Brute Outdoors, home of the Brute Box Cooler.  Online at: bruteoutdoors.com.

Outdoors writer, radio host and book author Luke Clayton has been addicted to everything outdoors related since his childhood when he grew up hunting and fishing in rural northeast Texas. Luke pens a weekly newspaper column that appears in over thirty newspapers.