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Empire of the Summer Moon

  Empire of the Summer Moon by S.C. Gwynne is the second book for the 2016 Spring Read.  

“The vast, semi-arid grasslands of the southern Great Plains could be dominated by hunters and warriors on horseback. In the first half of the nineteenth century, the Comanches, often referred to as ‘lords of the Plains,’ were the single most powerful military force in the region, to the frustration of both the Mexican and U.S. governments. This engrossing chronicle traces the rise of the Comanche people from their roots as primitive bands of hunter-gatherers to their mastery of the horse and emergence as the feared power brokers of the area. At the center of the narrative is the charismatic Quanah Parker, who skillfully navigated the gaps between his traditional culture and the emerging, settled culture of the late-nineteenth century.” (From: Jay Freeman, Booklist. Amazon)

If you're a teacher wanting to teach Empire of the Summer Moon in your classroom,  a Guide for Teachers has been created.  This was compiled by Lynne Hewes and Rebecca Koehn.  It includes author notes, reading check questions, book discussion questions, and other assignments.  

If you haven't, yet ?join the Radio Readers Book Club by filling out this short form.  Then we invite you to connect with other readers by participating in the online discussion forum.