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In touch with the world ... at home on the High Plains
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We recently completed the changeover to a new, much improved audio management system, including a new program scheduling computer, file servers, workstations and more secure and reliable IT networking between our studios in Garden City and Amarillo. This work involved thousands of audio files and lines of programming code, so you may hear some glitches in our programming as we "burn-in" the system in the coming days. We apologize for any disruptions to your listening. If you have questions or problems to report, please contact HPPR's Technical Director, Alex Fregger (afregger@hppr.org).

MBT Centennial: Cassin’s Sparrow

Christopher L. Wood
allaboutbirds.org / Cornell University

This year, 2016, marks the centennial of the first Migratory Bird Treaty, which the United States signed with Great Britain on behalf of Canada. That treaty and the three that followed — with Japan, Russia and Mexico — form the cornerstones of our efforts to conserve migratory birds, like the Cassin’s Sparrow. Cassin's Sparrow flies north into Great Plains states, into arid grasslands, to breed. But since perches are few and far between, it darts up into the sky singing for a mate. Once the male has found a mate, and the pair have produced chicks, it's back to Mexico to winter.


Arvind Panjabi
Dir. International Projects
Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory
Ft. Collins, CO

Produced by Playa Lakes Joint Venture.