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Oklahoma Approves OG&E Request for $500 Million Coal Scrubber

Faced with increasingly strict federal emissions regulations, some energy companies that use coal to produce power have struggled to find the funds to meet the new criteria. One such company is Oklahoma Gas and Electric. The energy giant has twice before requested funds for a new coal scrubber project to bring their coal plant up to compliance. Now, reports NewsOK,it appears the third time is the charm. This week state regulators approved a half billion dollars to cover the cost of the scrubbers. 

Oklahoma Corporation Commissioner Dana Murphy said the scrubbers at the Sooner Plant will promote fuel diversity. Commission Chairman Bob Anthony agreed, saying the order “promotes fuel diversity and power reliability while giving assurance to investors.”

The decision is a loss for certain opposing groups, among them the Sierra Club, who charged that the agreement lacked safeguards to protect OG&E customers from future costs.

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