Spring cleaning often brings a variety of small projects to our yard and home. Every year, I make a resolution that this spring, I’ll be satisfied with…
As the school year draws to a close, my kids are feeling the anticipation. Indeed, they are almost giddy. I am too. Those first joyful nine seconds of…
We have a perfectly good dog. She’s a nine-year-old Siberian husky named Juneau. Her arrival in our lives coincides with my last weak moment.What I love…
This month on Little Spouse on the Prairie, we are sharing funny stories of pranks and tricks in honor of April Fool’s Day. Continuing with the theme of…
It feels odd to even say the sentence, but it seems to be true: live music is BACK! Today on High Plains Morning, I had a blast visiting with Nate Green,…
Our bowl runneth over on High Plains Morning after a visit from Tina Brohlin of High Plains Food Bank. She stopped by the studio to remind Amarillo-area…
Catholic Charities of the Texas Panhandle: Annual Salt & Pepper “Virtual” on Panhandle PBS — TONIGHTThis week, we checked in with High Plains hero Joyce Knight at the Catholic Charities of the Texas Panhandle. Tonight, they host their Annual Salt &…
I don’t respond well to practical jokes. Typically, I have a pretty violent response. My hope is always that, when these pranksters see how startled I am…
Last week on High Plains Morning, we had a delightful visit from Marcy McKay, an Amarillo-based author and regular HPPR Radio Readers Book Club…
When Joel and I got married several years ago, he had never attended an estate auction. Weirdly, he wasn’t even interested in digging through other…
Miscommunication can provide some hilarious moments in marriage. Frequently, Joel and I can have entire conversations, make detailed plans, and agree on…
The High Plains has always been populated by generous, community-minded people that look after one another in good times and bad. So this week we welcomed…