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In touch with the world ... at home on the High Plains
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People Of The Plains: Seeds You Sow

Marshall Hanes had no idea that his life would be changed when he hesitantly took a position to be a youth minister nearly 30 years ago.

In the beginning, Marshall had no experience on teaching the word to other people. When an 8-year-old boy in his group took his life, it motivated him to study and pray harder more than ever before.

Ever since he saw the young boy’s final words tucked in his bible, “Thank you Marshall Hanes”, he knew it was his duty in life to keep ministering to youth.

Several years later, he moved up and taught high school youth. He began to form connections and relate in more ways with them than he ever imagined. Along the way, Marshall not only preached the word of God to many, but also took in and raised several kids as his own. With the support of his wife, Tami and the great God above, Marshall grew to become the best teacher, father, and friend to hundreds of kids. This interview tells an incredible story about how he planted a seed in every kid he came across.

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Shannon Acuna and Kiersten Newton are two of the hundreds of kids that have crossed Marshall’s path: “We interviewed him because he is a father figure, and we believe you don’t have to be just a math teacher to teach the plains. Marshall not only taught us the word of God, but he taught us many important life lessons that apply to us, and every student he came across."

Shannon Acuna is an English Education Major from McLean, Texas. In the future, she wants to teach middle school English, hoping to inspire kids to fall in love with literature like she did when she was that age.

Kiersten Newton is an English and Speech Education Major from McLean, Texas. In the future, Kiersten wants to teach at a high school and coach any speech team she can get her hands on. She believes that having a voice in speech is an important quality to have in life, and wants 

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to help kids gain that ability.