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In touch with the world ... at home on the High Plains
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TUNED IN: HPPR To Air ‘TEXAS Outdoor Musical’ On July 4


This weekend the “TEXAS Outdoor Musical” makes its 2019 debut.


The first performance of the season is Saturday, June 1, at 8:30 p.m. The location is the Pioneer Amphitheater in Palo Duro Canyon. More information about this classic production in its 54th season can be found here.

Exciting news, right? Well, there’s more.

On Thursday, July 4, High Plains Public Radio will air a production of the 2019 “TEXAS Outdoor Musical.” In fact, we’re so excited about this special programming for the Fourth that it will be broadcast twice. The first opportunity will be at 9 a.m. and the second will be at 7 p.m.

Please mark your calendars to be a part of this Lone Star State gem.


Looking For Something To Do? Want To Spread The Word About An Event? Visit HPPR’s Online Community Calendar


“I’m bored. There’s nothing to do!”

How many of us have heard that from kids recently emancipated from grade school for the summer? Plenty, I’d wager.

If you’re looking for something to do, allow me to recommend checking out High Plains Public Radio’s online Community Calendar.

The calendar is a community-contributed resource, meaning it depends on contributions from residents of HPPR Land. Click here to submit your event.


Fun facts to know and share from this week’s news on High Plains Public Radio and HPPR Connect:

> “Last year, almost 90 percent of the (U.S.) sorghum crop went to China. This year, zero percent of the sorghum crop went to China.” -- Terry Swanson, farmer from Walsh, Colo.

READ MORE | For One Colorado Farmer, Trade Frustrations Haven’t Diminished His Support For Trump

> “We have a lot of stuff to go through. A lot of stuff that will just be trashed. I don’t even know how to clean it up. I don’t even know where you start with that.” -- Dena Duffin, Linwood, Kan., resident discussing Tuesday’s tornado damage.

READ MORE | Tornado Whipped Northeast Kansas With 170 MPH Winds, Left Residents To Clean Up

>“As a nation, we have a moral obligation to assist those who have put their lives on the line to defend us.” -- Letter from 47 U.S. attorneys general to U.S. Department of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos asking to automatically forgive student loans for eligible disabled veterans.

READ MORE | 47 States Ask DeVos To Forgive Disabled Veterans' Student Loans. Texas Was Not Among Them


The Future of My High Plains Hometown

“In touch with the world ... at home on the High Plains” are the words that sum up High Plains Public Radio’s mission. To that end, we are seeking feedback from High Plains residents about the future of the place they call home.

What concerns you about your community? What do you think will it look like in 10 to 20 years? Let High Plains Public Radio know. You can click here, email director@hppr.org and/or call 806-553-0919.


HPPR.org is your go-to spot for the latest news from the High Plains region, as well as our events, exclusives, and features. You’ll also find the latest national and international news. Here are this week’s TOP STORIES from our website.

  1. Tired Of Being 'Dope Sick,' A Drug User Gets Help From Police To Get Sober

  2. Arizona Prison Denying Basic Hygiene Needs To Women, Say Inmates

  3. If It Passes, Texas' Prescription Drug Law Would Be Among Strongest In The Nation

  4. Why Suburban Moms Are Delivering Your Groceries

  5. Amtrak Answers Senators But Leaves The Future Of Kansas Passenger Rail In Question

  6. For Many Navajos, Getting Hooked Up To The Power Grid Can Be Life-Changing

  7. From Amarillo to Carnegie Hall: How St. Mary's Cathedral Choir Landed a Gig in "The Big Room"

  8. One In Seven Adults In Immigrant Families Opted Out Of Public Benefits In 2018

  9. Methodists Gather At Leawood Megachurch To Find A Way Forward After Dispute Over LGBTQ Inclusion

  10. Can You Be Struck by Lightning in the Bathtub?



HPPR Podcasts Available

Episodes of many of HPPR’s features such as “Little Spouse on the Prairie,” “Growing on the High Plains,” “HPPR Radio Readers Book Club” and “High Plains Outdoors,” are available as podcasts.

Visit hppr.org/rss to start listening.


HPPR’s Living Room Concert series brings live music to the High Plains. Check out the schedule here.


PUBLIC RADIO is only as strong as our community. Please share this weekly update with your friends, family, neighbors, anyone watching this video and thinking, “Missed it by this much!”, anyone who started nodding their head when they heard this rap classic on “Morning Edition,”  and all the old-time NBA fans who know this was as good as it gets.

Anyone can sign up for this newsletter here.


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