Charles Forrest Jones
HPPR Radio Readers Book Club ContributorCharles Forrest Jones lives with his wife and dogs in Lawrence, Kansas and Creede, Colorado. He has a BS in Biology from Kansas University, an MPA from Harvard University’s Kennedy School, and spent the majority of his professional life in public service. From 2003 to 2014, he served as Director of the Kansas University Public Management Center and taught MPA ethics and administration. Each of his academic courses included at least one reading to inspire creativity -- such as The Glass Castle or On Writing -- for public policy is rooted in the human condition. There is a place for the articulate, compelling, even beautiful.
Sara Vowell’s 2009 best seller, The Wordy Shipmates: a book that details the 1630 New World arrival of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, founders of what would become Boston, and how that early experience continues to shape American life and politics.
Hello from the High Plains 2025 Radio Reader’s Book Club. I hope you’ll join us this Spring in reading and discussing four books grouped under the title “Humor Me.”
Hello, I’m Charles Jones, retired Director of the KU Public Management Center and author of the 2022 Kansas novel The Illusion of Simple. I welcome this opportunity to discuss Sara Vowell’s The Wordy Shipmates as part of High Plains 2025 Radio Reader’s Book Club.
Travel back in time with author Sarah Vowell to explore the Puritans journey to America to become the people of John Winthrop's "city upon a hill"—a shining example, a "city that cannot be hid." We often claim to be a Puritan nation, but what does that mean?