Darrell Brogdon
Darrell Brogdon is a self-described "radio rat," having started on the air in high school and still hasn't hung up his microphone. His first job was DJ-ing at KERV-AM, the only radio station in his hometown of Kerrville, Texas. After getting his speech and drama degree at North Texas State University, Darrell kicked around the dial before landing at KANU in 1982.
In addition to his role as Program Director, he has produced just about any kind of show imaginable at KANU/KPR - quiz shows, radio dramas, concert broadcasts, arts magazines, record shows.
A fanatical record collector, the second floor of Darrell's house is threatening to become the first floor under the sheer weight of accumulated LPs.
Darrell sums up his on-air time thusly: "Doing The Retro Cocktail Hour and Right Between the Ears is like having the world's biggest electric train set.