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Susan Stower

Susan Stover

HPPR Radio Readers Book Club Contributor

Now retired, Susan Stover was Outreach Manager at the Kansas Geological Survey. She worked in water policy, water resource planning and environmental remediation for the State of Kansas for 20 years, before joining the Survey in 2014. Her experience includes working with stakeholders on programs and policies to conserve the High Plains aquifer; organizing conferences on water and on teaching evolution; and hosting field trips for state legislators. She holds an M.S. in geology, University of Kansas, and a B.A. in geology, University of Nebraska. Stover is a Geological Society of America Fellow.

  • It you are hesitant, as I was, to read The Water Thief because it is a dystopian story, - after all, who needs more depressing thoughts? – let me put your concerns to rest.