This opening program is titled "Pictures at an Exhibition" and will feature digital art by Geoff Case accompanying a performance of Maurice Ravel’s famous orchestration of Modest Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition, a work that was originally composed as a piano piece. This won’t be Ravel’s only contribution to the program: The Amarillo Symphony will also perform Ravel’s Une barque sur l’ocean (A Boat on the Ocean). There will be two American compositions on the program as well: Adam Schoenberg’s energizing Go! And Kevin Puts’s Flute Concerto, which will be performed by the orchestra along with flutist Jake Fridkis.
Tune in to Classical Music Amarillo this week to get a sneak peek at some other tunes penned by these composers. We'll be listening to past Amarillo Symphony performances of Mussorgsky's Night on Bald Mountain, a movement of Ravel's Piano Concerto as well as two pieces by Adam Schoenberg: Finding Rothko, which was composed in 2006 and Scatter, which was composed in 2016.