Researchers are looking into whether sites in Osage and Kay Counties can be used for permanent underground carbon storage.
Thousands of miles of oil and natural gas pipelines already crisscross the country. Now, many more are being proposed to carry things like hydrogen and carbon dioxide as ways to combat climate change.
Agriculture companies are increasingly paying farmers to capture carbon. But some say the newly budding carbon marketplace isn’t enough to fight climate change.
Agriculture accounts for a tenth of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, which are a big driver of climate change worldwide. Some farmers in the U.S. are taking on climate change by trying to sink the air’s carbon in the ground.
Taking steps to store more carbon could be lucrative for farmers and ranchers, but it’s still new territory.
Two proposals for carbon pipelines throughout the Midwest would pipe carbon dioxide from dozens of ethanol plants to rock formations in North Dakota and Illinois where the CO2 would be buried deep underground. Rock formations like the Mount Simon Sandstone offer the ability to bury the carbon for “eons of time” more than a mile below the surface.
Some Midwestern farmers are involved in a research project to help determine how good some practices are for the environment, and it may help them take...
There’s been a lot of hype around how farmers can make money from selling the carbon their plants naturally remove from the air, but there are still...