Farmers have been using the weed killer glyphosate – a key ingredient of the product Roundup – at soaring levels even as glyphosate has become...
Glyphosate is the most-used pesticide on U.S. crops, an estimated 287 million pounds in 2016, according to an analysis by the Midwest Center for...
After dueling reviews of research studies, scientific panels from the U.S. government and the World Health Organization are having a hard time agreeing…
From Harvest Public Media:A group of Nebraska farmers is suing the giant seed and chemical company, Monsanto, in federal court saying the company’s…
The Environmental Protection Agency has apparently made a preliminary finding that glyphosate is unlikely to cause cancer in humans, though the report…
From Kansas Agland:With “bulletproof” weeds like palmer amaranth and kochia becoming ever more resistant across the Great Plains, farmers must focus on…
A new report from the environmental group The Center for Food Safety says a Monsanto herbicide is to blame for a vast decline in the monarch butterfly…
Farmers engaged in an epic struggle with “superweeds” – weeds that don’t die even when sprayed with herbicide – are looking for help from a new super…