Gov. Greg Abbott named raising teacher pay as one of seven emergency items for this legislative session. The push for higher salaries comes as most teachers in the state weigh whether staying in the profession is worth it.
The Texas Senate passed a trio of legislation from Sen. Joan Huffman (R-Houston) on Wednesday aimed at tightening rules around bail in Texas. The proposals, which are among Gov. Greg Abbott's top priorities this year, now head to the House for consideration.
The case is set to test states' conflicting abortion laws, a battle that could rise to the U.S. Supreme Court.
The senate committee on criminal justice is meeting Wednesday.
Local officials, school advocates and tax policy experts said such a proposal could have dire impacts on basic services.
Gov. Greg Abbott touted Texas’ strong economy in his State of the State address Sunday, where he also laid out a list of priorities he wants Texas lawmakers to focus on in the months ahead. These include creating a school voucher-like program and lowering Texans’ property taxes.
Texas has already militarized the border under Gov. Greg Abbott’s Operation Lone Star.
The U.S. flag has been flown at half-staff following the death of former president Jimmy Carter. Typically flags are at half-staff for 30 days after a president's death.
Abbott originally appointed Blacklock to the high court as the Place 2 justice in 2018. Abbott's general counsel James Sullivan will replace Blacklock as a new justice.
Texas Woman’s University won’t implement the tuition increase regents approved earlier this month. A spokesperson for the university said it would abide by the law.