To be an oil person in Kansas is to understand that bad times follow good and that betting on any dip or upswing is a game for suckers. Yet it can be so...
Zack Pistora of the Kansas Sierra Club was worried about the number of earthquakes in the state and wanted to do something about it. “Those earthquakes...
Even though oil and gas drillers have suffered through about three years of low oil prices, some of Colorado’s largest energy companies still seem…
As Colorado’s oil and gas industry begins to recover from one of the hardest downturns in recent memory, some communities have launched fights against…
With an uptick in oil rigs, concerns about the supply of frac sand, the key component of drilling, are also arising.As Business Insider reports, oil…
Like other High Plains states, Colorado’s oil and gas economy is in a position to help propel it forward.As The Denver Post reports, oil prices rose after…
Oklahoma could be in for a lot less shaking according to a research study that shows earthquake activity slows as wastewater injection is…
The Oklahoma Legislature passed a bill making tax incentives for oil and gas production permanent.Governor Mary Fallin is expected to sign the…
The Kaiser-Francis Oil Company is like other Oklahoma energy empires in many ways. It’s been created by entrepreneurs who pulled themselves up by the…
As the oilfields boom in Oklahoma, so are the state tax credits for drilling reported State Impact Oklahoma. In the 1980s, the oil bust pushed lawmakers…