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As Teachers Flee Oklahoma for Higher Pay Elsewhere, a New Sales Tax is Proposed

Emily Wendler

Over the past few years hundreds of teacher have left Oklahoma for better pay elsewhere. This mass exodus of teachers has left the state desperate to fill the empty classrooms, reports member station KOSU. One such teacher said he’s bringing in $30,000 more per year, along with his wife, teaching in Arkansas. He thinks the reason Arkansas pays more is because their taxes are higher. “The difference in Oklahoma,” he said, “is tax cut, tax cut, tax cut.”

Oklahoma teachers have rallied for better pay. But a series of budget crises made that unlikely. Now the president of the University of Oklahoma has proposed that the state raise the sales tax by one cent. That would bring in an additional $615 million each year.

The money would be divided up amongst higher ed, career tech, state school districts, and $5,000 dollar pay raises for teachers.

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