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Which High Plains States Do The Best Job Of Protecting The Elderly?

Every year, America’s elderly population increases as baby boomers get older. That increase could mean a rise in elder abuse, if steps aren’t taken to ensure our elderly are taken care of. Some states are doing this better than others.

The personal finance website Wallethub set out to find which states have the best protections for the elderly, and the results were mixed for High Plains states.

Texas ranked 14th among states when it comes to elder-abuse protections, and Kansas was close behind at number 16. Colorado just made the top half of states, landing 25th in the U.S. At number 28, Oklahoma fell into the bottom half of states. Nevada and the District of Columbia were found to have the best elder protections, while South Carolina and California had the worst. Wallethub’s study compared several key metrics, including neglect complaints and strength of financial elder-abuse laws.

Source: WalletHub

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