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GOP Congressmen Disapprove of Science, Approve of Magic

US Library of Congress
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While many GOP lawmakers don’t trust science, some of them certainly believe in magic, notes Quartz.com. Texas representative Pete Sessions and six of his Republican colleagues in the House have proposed a resolution recognizing magic as a “rare and valuable art form.”

House Resolution 642 lauds magic as “an art form with the unique power and potential to impact the lives of all people.” The proposal then calls for efforts to “make certain magic is preserved, understood, and promulgated.”

Meanwhile, many of the resolution’s cosponsors have been openly hostile to science on the floor of the House. The House Science Committee has even subpoenaed scientists who published research demonstrating mankind’s responsibility for climate change. One of the magic resolution’s co-sponsors, Ken Buck of Colorado, has referred to global warming as “the greatest hoax that has been perpetrated.”