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Planting the Plains
Airs Thursdays at 10:30 am CT and Saturdays at 8:35 am CT

Every week, Anthony Reardon presents Planting the Plains, a weekly feature designed to provide the High Plains with timely, yet timeless, research-based, reliable, horticultural information that can assist in bettering everyday lives by easing the burden of troublesome landscape issues.

Each episode will bring a new horticultural, entomological, or wildlife topic to the forefront, furthering practical knowledge on how that topic pertains to the average person, and how that person may need to address such a topic in their own backyard.

To reach Anthony with questions or comments, please send him an email!

Latest Episodes
  • From keeping an eye on the humidity levels in your various micro-climates, to learning how to spot the signs of insects feeding on your plants, your plants could definitely benefit from some extra scrutiny. This week, we'll talk about how to learn to keep an eye out for various types of disease in your garden!
  • After all the effort you've put into cultivating your garden, it can be a letdown to find that some of your vegetables just aren't producing as they should. This week, we'll talk about some of the things that can afflict your plants, and keep them from performing their best!
  • "Into every life some rain must fall", as the saying goes, but unfortunately, it could also be "into every yard poison ivy may creep." Poison ivy is an all-too-real part of gardening in the High Plains region, but not everyone knows how to recognize it, or what to do about it. We'll talk this week about how to keep it from being a problem in your yard!
  • Squash bugs are one of the most common issues you'll encounter once your plants grow leaves and begin to create food for these garden pests. Learn more about how to deal with them in this week's episode!
  • A nice green lawn sounds great, but it's not easy to maintain...here on the High Plains, we've got intense heat and other factors that work against us, so it's not uncommon to see brown patches appear in your grass. This week, we'll talk about the best ways to mitigate this, for a greener, fresher-looking lawn!
  • With the heavy winds we get on the High Plains, tree damage is not uncommon. But it's hard to tell if your tree will still grow the way you'd like it to, after having branches torn off or broken during a storm. This week, we'll talk about what you can do to help your trees recover, and how to improve your chances of success.
  • One thing most gardeners forget to consider from time to time when working on their garden...patience isn't just a virtue, it's what you'll need to more fully enjoy the growing process, and the time you wait before you can enjoy your harvest. This week, we'll talk about why it's important to be patient, and the value of being patient!
  • Container vegetable gardens can be a good way to grow, but it's important to consider the ways that growing this way can differ from in-ground gardening...some of the same pitfalls will still apply, but perhaps not always in the same way. This week, we'll talk about what to consider when planting in containers.
  • Obviously, you'll need to water your plants,but how much is too much? This week, we'll talk about how to recognize when your plants are struggling with more water than they can handle, and how to nurse them back to optimum health!
  • While it's easy to remember that a plant's roots help to anchor it into the ground, one of the best reasons to help ensure a properly healthy root system is to help your plants get access to the most and best nutrients available. This week, we'll talk about how location and soil choice can help you get better yields this year!