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How Hillary Might Turn Texas Blue

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With the advent of Donald Trump’s candidacy, Democrats grew excited that swing states might become solid blue wins for their party. But now, as Trump’s inflammatory rhetoric continues to cause consternation among elites in both parties, solidly red states like Texas may even be up for grabs. As Quartz.com reports, one pollster at the University of Texas thinks a Clinton win in the Lone Star State is a definite possibility.

“Secretary Clinton is right,” says Dr. James Henson. “If Latinos and African Americans do turn out in sufficient numbers, she might be able to pull off an upset in Texas.” Clinton beat Bernie Sanders by a wide margin in the Texas primary. Meanwhile, Trump was crushed by Texas Senator Ted Cruz in the state’s GOP primary.

A Clinton victory in Texas would mean Democrats could hypothetically lose in all three major battleground states—Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania—and still take the White House.