Attorney General Gentner Drummond joined a lawsuit alongside 22 other states over a methane rule
The EPA is currently facing a lawsuit on behalf of farmers from Johnson County, Texas, after the presence of PFAS in fertilizers allegedly infected crops and resulted in the death of livestock.
The Environmental Protection Agency announced the first federal limits on PFAS in drinking water. Only two Midwestern states currently have limits on levels acceptable in drinking water.
The EPA has completed less than 5% of its Endangered Species Act caseload in reviewing pesticides. Now the agency is proposing a new strategy for scrutinizing agricultural chemicals’ effects on listed species.
Oklahoma’s plan to meet federal smog regulations has been in limbo for months after a rejection from the Environmental Protection Agency and a lawsuit in response to that rejection. According to a new court ruling, the state will not have to implement a stricter federal smog plan while it waits on that lawsuit.
The lawsuit claims the Environmental Protection Agency exceeded its authority with its plan to reduce ozone emissions that cross state lines.
The Good Neighbor plan aims to bring air quality standards set in 2015. It covers 23 states, including Oklahoma, that were found to be exporting significant amounts of smog to downwind neighbors.
Scientists say atrazine maker Syngenta has long muddied the public's understanding of risks related to its product in an effort to delay stricter regulations
The federal agency is considering designating the Permian Basin as a “non-attainment area,” meaning it could face tougher emissions regulations.
A series of virtual roundtable discussions are underway regarding the Waters of the United States definition. But the input might not change much about what comes next.