Oklahoma has been awarded $18.3 million in federal funding to support homelessness programs across the state.
Urban and suburban school districts may have a funding and staffing edge when it comes to implementing laws to support students with unstable housing. But, homeless education liaisons in small rural districts say close-knit communities make for efficient identification and support for students eligible for services.
Lois and Homer Smuck spent their lives working as pastors. Now retired and living on a fixed income, they cannot afford a place of their own.
The Wichita City Council will vote Dec. 17 on changing local ordinances to allow for stricter homeless encampment enforcement.
More than 4,800 students are considered homeless in Nebraska, and school districts can do only so much to help. Many rely on partnerships with local organizations to support student needs outside of school.
The emergency winter shelter has historically been located at 841 N. Market. But Humankind says that the facility won’t hold the shelter this year.
For homeless Wichitans, heat waves are a matter of life and death. But for assistance from a handful of volunteers, they’re mostly left to navigate extreme weather events on their own.
The bill had only one person speak in support with over 50 people testifying in opposition.
As dangerously cold temperatures grip much of the state, hundreds of people are lining up at warming shelters in Dallas. The city is working with local nonprofits to temporarily house the city’s unsheltered population.
On any given night, an estimated 943 people in rural Kansas are homeless. But the actual numbers are likely far greater.