We'll finish out our special series on weeds with a look at plants that could sometimes be mistaken for regular residents of a flower bed or border.Their…
Though a far cry from cactus, today's weed entries definitely bring up some thorny issues. We'll examine this sticky situation by defining the difference…
Let's set the table and see what's on the menu, weedwise. Today we'll discuss weeds that can function as spring tonics, or green and leafy vitamin pills.…
Broadleaf weeds are sometimes a walk in the park compared to controlling unwanted grasses. Our six-part series on weeds moves from flowerbeds to lawns as…
A look at perennial and annual weeds that vine, twine, and torment gardeners throughout the HPPR region. These creepy crawlers require almost daily…
Last week we visited about a weed called nutsedge that was relatively new to me until I put in a garden fountain and thus created an ideal world for this…
There's a new weed at my place that has been making an appearance the last couple of years and shows no sign of leaving. It's a true bad boy of the…
Farmers engaged in an epic struggle with “superweeds” – weeds that don’t die even when sprayed with herbicide – are looking for help from a new super…