Kansas scores 15th among the 50 states for overall child well-being, according to the Annie E. Casey Foundation’s 2017 “Kids Count” report . The state’s...
Over the past 18 years Kansas has been paid slightly more than $1 billion by tobacco companies, officials said Monday. As The Topeka Capital-Journal…
If you live in Kansas, you might have heard the phrase “tobacco securitization” lately. It’s an idea that could help ease the burden from the state’s $290…
The state of Kansas has been facing the prospect of losing $60 million in annual tobacco payments. The money currently funds children’s programs such as…
Tobacco settlement funds were earmarked for children’s programs in Kansas. The money was to be vetted by the 15-member Kansas Children’s Cabinet. The…
15 years ago 46 states and the nation’s major tobacco companies came to a multi-billion dollar settlement. The purpose of the action was to ultimately…