James Kenyon
HPPR Radio Readers Book Club ContributorJames was born and raised on a third-generation family grain and livestock farm. At the age of four, sitting on his knees, he guided the pickup truck as his father forked out the feed for the cattle. He went solo by the age of seven driving a tractor in the hay field.
James cared for cattle, pigs, chickens and horses and spent time in nature with birds, cats, dogs, frogs, and possums.
Dribbling a basketball on a dirt surface and aiming it to a rim on the side of the barn was a passion. Hitting rocks with a shovel handle developed his baseball acumen.
His unique cultural setting was near a small town of 300 population where a large extended family and colorful neighbors influenced his values and character.
Dr. Kenyon is a veterinarian in a 35-year mixed animal practice in a beautiful Iowa college town. He’s also a veterinarian for the Alaska Iditarod Dog Sled Race. His community accolades are many and include a 24-stint on the school board as well as holding positions in numerous community organizations including Rotary, his church, the library, museums, and the historical society. He chaired the Iowa Veterinary Medical Association and State Veterinary Board of Examiners. He was named Iowa Veterinarian of the Year and has been recognized as a Distinguished Alumni of the Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine.
James is married to his college sweetheart from Kansas City. They have blended the farm and city in their life together. They have three children, seven grandchildren, and numerous pets.
This is James Kenyon for the High Plains Radio Readers Book Summers Reading List. I am an active reader and writer. I authored Golden Rule Days. It is a history of the former high schools in all 105 counties in Kansas.
This is James Kenyon for the High Plains Public Radio Readers Book Summer Reading list. My book, A Cow for College tells 22 stories of a Western Kansas farm boy’s life. There were four children in our family spaced over 16 years.