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Black Bear Numbers Increase

Luke Clayton just returned from an elk hunt in Colorado mountains.  Bear numbers and sightings were at an all time high.  A couple close encounters gave Luke a photo to remember, and another guide an opportunity to share his candy bar.  Larry Weishuhn gives some insight into causes for the increased numbers.  Plus, as usual, a good bit of ‘hard core’ campfire talk!

Support for High Plains Outdoors comes from the Dallas Safari Club.  Since 1972, Dallas Safari Club has been the gathering point for hunters, conservationists and wildlife enthusiasts.  This year’s convention is January third through the sixth.  More information can be found online at:  biggame.org.

Outdoors writer, radio host and book author Luke Clayton has been addicted to everything outdoors related since his childhood when he grew up hunting and fishing in rural northeast Texas. Luke pens a weekly newspaper column that appears in over thirty newspapers.