Cattle contribute more greenhouse gases than other livestock. The reasons behind that have some ranchers trying to address environmental impacts, while experts say there are also ways for you to curb your plate’s climate footprint.
Tyson Foods claims that their Brazen Beef products require fewer greenhouse gases – but specifics on how they’re cutting emissions is still unclear.
Drought is taking its toll on western Kansas cornfields this year. And all that dead corn could mean higher prices for products that depend on the state's grain supply, such as ethanol-infused gasoline and corn-fed beef.
Temperatures topped 104 degrees in the state's top cattle county. In widely seen video footage, rows of carcasses are shown lined up along the edge of a field.
The crossbreed gained some attention in the 1970s. Supporters today say there is big potential to provide better, healthier meat by combining the best qualities of the two animals, in just the right amount.
The Kansas Livestock Association pushed for the labeling law as part of a national initiative to protect the cattle industry's meat-selling market share.
The wide ranging plan is entirely voluntary, but leaders say they have buy-in and each of the action items are economically feasible without drastic changes to beef prices or profits for producers, processors and retailers.
ZMDR LLC in Lone Jack, Missouri, was cited by the Department of Natural Resources for polluting a mile of nearby streams when septic tanks overflowed following a December rainstorm. A neighbor complained to the state that the creek near their house turned black and had a stench.
Ranchers in Nebraska are rebelling against the “Big Four” meat companies by planning their own beef processing plant. They’re seeking a transformation for themselves, the industry and western Nebraska.
John Sharp sent Harvard’s president an open letter calling for an investigation into Harvard scientists whose actions he said “are false and harmful to…