All five Kansas gubernatorial candidates will be in Garden City this evening for a debate, hosted by the Southwest Kansas Chambers of Commerce. HPPR will…
Leading by a neck Election soothsayer fivethirtyeight.com, the respected outfit run by former New York Times poll analyst Nate Silver, projects that...
Take a look at the Kansas budget and one item looms large, eating up more state spending than anything else. Schools swallow about $4.5 billion . That...
The Kansas economy has been sluggish the past few years, but the candidates running for governor each have a plan to jumpstart things. Will any of them...
Independent candidate for Kansas governor Greg Orman will stay on the ballot after state officials rejected a challenge to his candidacy Thursday. Will...
(An earlier version of this story mistakenly suggested Doll was removed from committees. He actually gave up those posts.) State Sen. John Doll, a one...
Independent candidate for governor Greg Orman picked a running mate Wednesday with middle-of-the-road credentials who balances the ticket geographically...
Democrats are eyeing the Senate hungrily, with their chances of winning back the chamber looking more promising month by month. Kansas now looks to be in…
The keys to winning an election in Kansas when the pivotal issue is abortion are: voting guides in churches, fliers on car windshields in church parking…
With Election Day upon us, Nate Silver, the polling analyst famed for his accurate forecast of the 2012 election, has his final projections for hotly…