Abbott said more than a million people have been taken off Texas voter rolls since 2021, a reform that he said cracks down on illegal voting. But local voting officials said voter roll removal is routine.
The deadline to apply for a mail-in ballot is Oct. 25. The deadline for mail-in ballots to be returned or postmarked is Nov. 5, unless it is from an overseas voter.
The deadline to apply for a mail-in ballot is Oct. 25. The deadline for mail-in ballots to be returned or postmarked is Nov. 5, unless it is from an overseas voter.
Voting rights advocates are hoping a federal judge in San Antonio will strike down more than 30 provisions of Senate Bill 1, which the Texas Legislature passed in 2021.
The high court left intact a key provision of the federal Voting Rights Act in a case many feared would go the other way. The decision’s importance in ongoing litigation over Texas’ political maps will largely be felt in what didn’t happen.
Michael Hardy of Texas Monthly argues DeSantis has increasing influence in Texas as his political star continues to rise.
Si el dicho "la gente que no vota no se puede quejar" es cierto, entonces cientos de miles de tejanos registrados para votar van a tener que quedarse callados hasta la siguiente elección.
If the old saying “people who don’t vote can’t complain” is true, then hundreds of thousands of Texas registered voters will have to stay quiet until the next election.
Si aún no has votado, ofrecemos este recordatorio con lo que necesitas cuando vayas a las urnas.
From election equipment to ballot counting and storage, Texas elections officials follow a long list of laws and procedures to ensure free and fair elections.