The third book in the 2021 Spring Read – Cultures in a Common Land is Neither Wolf Nor Dog: On Forgotten Roads with an Indian Elder by author Ken Nerburn. In it, two men, one white and one Indian, one middle aged, one an elder, struggle to find a common voice despite their disparate experiences and world views. Dan, a Native American elder, leads Nerburn through reservation life and the majestic western Dakotas deep into the world of Indian towns and forgotten roads that inspire memories of Ghost Dances and Sitting Bull. Readers glimpse and learn of Dan’s world through the eyes of Jumbo, a 400-pound mechanic and Annie, an eighty-year-old Lakota woman living in a log cabin with no running water. The book has been called “an unlikely cross between On the Road and Black Elk Speaks,” and it carries us through the myths and stereotypes of the Native American experience.
Neither Wolf Nor Dog Next Selection in 2021 Spring Read