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Luke Clayton

Outdoors Author
  • Luke joins his good friend Kenneth Shephard this week and catches some farm pond bass. Kenneth has a little 10 foot flat nose aluminum boat rigged out perfectly for fishing small waters. Luke gives some tips on baits this week that will help you have fun and catch fish. You can watch the outing on A SPORTSMANS LIFE now on YouTube and www.carbontv.com
  • This week Luke gives some tips on slow smoking meats, both domestic and game meat with his Smokin Tex electric smoker.
  • Luke visits with his friend Paul Moore www.vineyardmax.net about a fishing/camping trip on the Brazos River last weekend with river guide Shane Davies www.riverrunguideservice.com. Paul and his wife Angela enjoyed two nights camping on the river and three days of great fishing. Click to learn more about a fun summer destination.
  • Luke heads up to lake Texoma on the Texas/Oklahoma border to visit with guide Bill Carey, Striper Express www.striperexpress.com. The summer pattern of schooling fish in the lower lake is underway and Carey tells how to catch em'!
  • Join Luke and his guest guide Casey Laughlin with Chums On The Water www.chumsonthewater.com guide service. The topic this week is catching hybrid stripers (nicknamed "Wipers" in the midwest.) Warm weather puts these hard fighting great eating fish in the biting mode and fishing is very good right now at Lake Tawakoni, located about an hour east of Dallas. Many in HPPR coverage are stocked with hybrid stripers and this is a great opportunity to learn some fish catching tricks. Click to listen! Email outdoors writer Luke Clayton through his website www.catfishradio.org
  • In this week's High Plains Outdoors Luke talks about a recent close to home hog home where he shot a tasty 40-pound pig and immediately put the meat on the smoker to cook all night at low temperature and the next morning turn his harvest into some very tasty Guisado.
  • This week, Luke is talking about a fun outing he enjoyed earlier in the week at the Cotton Ranch in Kaufman County with Edgar Cotton, Edgar's son David Cotton, Larry Weishuhn, Mr. Bo, and Lawrance Rice and his son Logan with LR3 SERVICES. (www.lr3services.com) The Rices have a drone business and assist landowners and hunters with game counts and hunts for non game species in Texas where the use of drones is legal for certain applications. Click and listen to Luke give an account of the evening.
  • In today's show, Luke talks about making "cowboy coffee' over a campfire and explains why the flavor is so much better. The key is getting the water boiling hot before adding the coffee grounds and then allowing the grounds to boil a couple minutes. Click to learn all about Luke's method of making coffee that is guaranteed to wake you up.... quick! Email Luke through his website www.catfishradio.org
  • Larry Weishuhn aka Mr. Whitetail joins Luke this week and divulges one of his signature methods of cooking chicken thighs over very hot campfire coals. Connect with Luke through his website www.catfishradio.org
  • Join Luke this week as he gives some tips on making a wilderness fishing trip to a fly in lake in Saskatchewan. Now is prime time to make plans for a trip this coming summer. For more information, visit www.tourismsaskatchewan.com . Feel free to email Luke through his website www.catfishradio.org, he will be happy to answer any questions you might have on fishing 'up north'!