Something to consider as you're winding down your garden for the year is the importance of community gardens. These have historically been a great way to feed large portions of the population over the years, and this week, we'll talk about how these gardens' popularity has changed over the years, and the importance of supporting these initiatives.
Getting the soil in your garden into proper condition for growing can also mean killing any weeds or weed seeds properly and effectively, so that nothing competes for nutrients once you've done your planting in the spring. This week, we'll talk about ways to use the winter months to get your soil into shape!
Once you've harvested your garden in the fall, there are still some ways you can work to improve next year's crop over the winter season. This week, we'll talk about how to solarize your soil, and the usefulness of soil testing, which is easier than you think!
As we move into the fall weather, and things start to cool off, autumn is the perfect time to grow lettuce and root vegetables for salads. This week, we'll talk about how to add to your kitchen table with some of the bounty from your garden!
You can put in all the effort you want, but no garden can thrive to its fullest potential unless it has good soil. This week, we'll talk about the importance of soil testing, and how to get your soil into optimum shape for growing!
Rot can unfortunately affect any garden, but there some things you can do to minimize the effects. We'll talk about them this week, and explain a bit more about what's really going on.
From keeping an eye on the humidity levels in your various micro-climates, to learning how to spot the signs of insects feeding on your plants, your plants could definitely benefit from some extra scrutiny. This week, we'll talk about how to learn to keep an eye out for various types of disease in your garden!
After all the effort you've put into cultivating your garden, it can be a letdown to find that some of your vegetables just aren't producing as they should. This week, we'll talk about some of the things that can afflict your plants, and keep them from performing their best!
"Into every life some rain must fall", as the saying goes, but unfortunately, it could also be "into every yard poison ivy may creep." Poison ivy is an all-too-real part of gardening in the High Plains region, but not everyone knows how to recognize it, or what to do about it. We'll talk this week about how to keep it from being a problem in your yard!
Squash bugs are one of the most common issues you'll encounter once your plants grow leaves and begin to create food for these garden pests. Learn more about how to deal with them in this week's episode!